This case is a horrible waste of tax dollars and abuse of Process by the Office of the Attorney General. The Attorney General fights to put Raven on the APS abuse registry for NOT violating state laws. She had to go all the way to the Supreme court to get the Attorney General off her back- 10 years and $100,000 later she got free.
Resa Raven: APS agent wanted Raven to violate state laws and/or coerce Ida into going into a facility against her will. Raven had taken Ida at a greatly reduced rate (about $125 a month) and spent more time on her case than cases which she charged $400 a month.
Raven tried getting a court order and the judge refused, so APS put her on the registry.
Administrative hearing favored Raven
DSHS Board of Appeals stated that Raven should have tried harder and reversed. DSHS order is based on speculation of what might happen is Raven had spent more time trying to convince Ida into going into a facility
Superior Court stated it was not abuse and reversed
DSHS appeals and Appeals court sides with DSHS BOA
Supreme court reversed, but did not grant legal fees saying that DSHS was justified.
The only reason we think that the Supreme court reversed was that multiple well known and crooked guardianship lawyers sent in Friends of the court letter in favor of Raven. We think that the letters were because they didn’t want APS coming after a guardian.
The AG spends lots of state dollars to “defend” DSHS
Abused registry is used to help DSHS bring up the numbers.