{Links to other sites}

Guardianship and senior abuse LINKS page to other organizations

Guardianship Abuse links to Articles on other sites

There are many organizations all over the USA who are trying to get the word out on guardianship/ elder abuse. Those people who are labeled as Vulnerable Adults (VA) or Incapacitated Persons (IP) are basically those who cannot protect themselves from abusers including the guardians who are supposed to be protecting their rights and assets.

If you want your site listed here Contact info@case-abuse.org. Cross linking to sites provides better visibility for Search Engines.

If there is a site listed here run by abusers please let us know. Yes, there are abusers posing as helpers of the vulnerable. Do not assume that a lawyer who writes an article for your senior magazine is not a predator. It’s the easiest way to get victims.

Are all guardians bad? Not at all. The original purpose to protect the rights of Seniors, VA and children is honored by many. But many others are tempted by easy prey.

Quick list to other web-sites about Abusive Guardianships:
www.AAAPG.org Americas Against Abusive Probate Guardians
stopguardianabuse.org NASGA (National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse.)