{Guardianship Abuse articles/ Books}

List of articles and books about guardianship related abuse: Also see some compete articles posted on this site at Category: Articles on Guardianship Abuse.

AND over 100 stories of court approved abuse and exploitation under guardianship HERE

GUARDIANSHIPS & THE ELDERLY: The Perfect Crime by Dr. Sam Sugar. Also available on Amazon:


Tucson Court to Hear Extradition of Woman Accused of Feeding her Mother http://www.activistpost.com/2017/06/tucson-court-hear-extradition-woman-accused-feeding-mother.html       

Blog Talk Radio: YOU have NO RIGHTS with Judicial Corruption  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hiddentruthrevealed/2017/06/08/faceus-robin-lulu-marci-friedman-hosts-karen-federighi-living-on-the-lam

Karen Federighi is on the run trying to get away from guardianship. Her sisters put her into guardianship to steal her inheritance. Karen was working as a nurse and going to school when a Florida court declared her incompetent without meeting her. The court now refuses to release her from guardianship.

REMEMBER anyone can be placed under guardianship when the court is corrupt

Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/03/09/former-court-ordered-guardian-indicted-in-massive-fraud-scheme.html

CONTACT 13: Guardianship crimes occurred in courtroom – KTNV.com www.ktnv.com/news/contact-13/guardianship-crimes-occurred-in-courtroom


Margaret K. Dore, A Call for Executive Oversight of Guardians, King County Bar Association, Bar Bulletin, March 2007 and Ten Reasons People Get Railroaded Into Guardianship

http://www.guardianabusecases.com/ BOOK: GUARDIANSHIP: How Judges and Lawyers Steal Your Money
Resourses (other links) http://www.guardianabusecases.com/resources/

The Elderly in Guardianship: A Crisis of Constitutional Proportions  Author Mark D. Andrews

Vancouver, WA July 22, 2016: VIDEO of Rally against Isolation and Guardianship Corruption:

Seattle Times article by Gene Johnson: Washington must help more developmentally disabled live independently, lawsuit says
– August 6, 2016

Other on-line articles:

https://aaapg.net/category/washington-state/ Videos and reports WA state
https://kcts9.org/programs/in-close/life-culture/guardianships WA state
http://www.dougschafer.com/ To Kill a Messenger — for Reporting a Corrupt Judge

Guardianship: Fraud: by M Larsen (Author)
“It’s difficult to believe it happens, but forced guardianship fraud runs unchecked throughout the nation’s probate courts. Deemed incapacitated by the courts, elderly citizens are robbed of all decision-  making rights and assigned professional guardians whose only interest lies in profiting from their vulnerable charges’ estates. Guardianship: How Judges and Lawyers Steal Your Money exposes a web of murderous profiteering, all sanctioned by a corrupt legal system.”
Bad Minds / High Places: Cleveland Ohio to Washington State America’s Archipelago of Legal Failure –-A few chapters on WA state legal abuse by probate courts and WSBA
The Family Guide to Preventing Elder Abuse: Thomsa Lee Wright (King county)
Producer of Edith + Eddy (Oscar Nominee): https://www.facebook.com/EdithEddieFilm/
The Retirement Nightmare: How to Save Yourself from Your Heirs and Protectors : Involuntary Conservatorships and Guardianships (Golden Age Series) by Diane G. Armstrong Ph.D. (Author) “The above warning, sent to all allegedly incapacitated seniors in the state of Virginia, summarizes the nightmare that can befall senior citizens anywhere in the United States as a result of involuntary conservatorship or guardianship proceedings. Statutes originally designed to help elderly friends and relatives …”
Exile: Janet Phelan: Investigative reporter include her CA Mother’s guardianship struggle.